We reach Shar-i-khona and visit the girls school there. I last visited in 05 and all the girls studied outside. Now we have built a school with funds from the Marshall Wace Christmas Appeal 06. We are greeted by hundreds of girls who shower us with glitter and give us each a bunch of flowers. A chorus sings for us and happy chaos follows as we hand out all the gifts from their UK twin school, Downe House. The children are thrilled and there is such a joyful scene. There are now 1400 girls attending school in 2 shifts, with only 40 teachers.
We drive on through the afternoon to Taloqan, stopping in Kunduz to buy footballs on the way. Shop in the Taloqan bazaar at dusk followed by crowds of onlookers who stare at the eccentric Brits …a very amusing time. Home to our guest house by horse and cart and preparing for another day.
We drive on through the afternoon to Taloqan, stopping in Kunduz to buy footballs on the way. Shop in the Taloqan bazaar at dusk followed by crowds of onlookers who stare at the eccentric Brits …a very amusing time. Home to our guest house by horse and cart and preparing for another day.
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