Wednesday, 15 October 2008

14th October - Dinner at the British Embassy...

Dinner at the British Embassy was fascinating. We were guests of the Ambassador and his wife, Sir Sherard and Lady Bridget Cowper-Coles. Also invited were the Head of the British Council, Catherine Day from the Embassy Press Office and Gemma from DFID.

William Reeve, one of Afghan Connection's Trustees, and on this visit with me, had known Bridget and Sherard since his Oxford days so it was all very relaxed and also a very interesting insight into what is happening across Afghanistan.

After dinner we sat in a room lined with photographs of Royals and politicians alike, Robin Cook, Gordon Brown, Prince Charles and others all graced the Kabul sideboard. As we sat, we were served the most delicious seeds from ruby red pomegranates sent from Hamid Karzai in person....quite the most delicious fruit I have ever tasted.

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